Haiku Comics
J.B. grew up in upstate New York, worked on a survey crew in Montana, taught English in Japan, and now writes and draws in Seattle. His influences include '70s punk, Montana bars, and Japanese haiku. He has six books of poetry from Ravenna Press, each with an increasing number of maps, graphs, and comics interwoven. Both “…by Land” and “1977” feature his hand-drawn graphs and comics. His latest book is Punk Poems Complete (2023) that collects all 100 of his 10-line poems written over the past 25 years. He started drawing maps, then became interested in charts and graphs as a way to add context to his poetry. For the past 10 years, he’s been creating poetry comics and haiku comics. Since 2022, he has also been researching “A History of Poetry Comics” at punkpoet.net/blog.